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Wellbeing and Devolution: Reframing the Role of Government in Scotland,,Wales and Northern Ireland
Scotland was the first of the three devolved legislatures to embark on a wellbeing framework. The framework applies to all govern-ment departments and public bodies and aligns their activities by seeking improvements in 11 National Outcomes. With over 10years of experi-ence, it tells a strong story of how a focus on wellbeing can reorientate government by creating a shared language for public services and a sense of unity of purpose. The process also reframed the relationship between the Scottish Government and local government, with differing views on the success of this process. There are clear policy outcomes in relation to early intervention and joined-up working, however question marks remain over the extent to which the Scottish Government has reframed its role, particularly in the relationship between citizens and the state where participatory measures remain in their infancy.