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{{tmpObj[k].text}}Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Analisis Faktor Penyebab Penetapan NIP Bahan Tidak Lengkap di Kantor Regional XIV BKN Manokwari.
The purpose of this research is to know to find out the factors causing the problem
proposal of stipulation civil servant identification number whose object are
incomplete and problemsolving process proposal of stipulation civil servant
identification number whose object are incomplete at Regional Office XIV BKN
Manokwari. The type of research used in this analysis is descriptive research with
a qualitative approach and data sources by conducting interviews with
informants. After analyzing, the results show that causative factor from proposal
of stipulation civil servant identification number whose object incomplete is
Internet network limitations in the province of West Papua which tends to be
unstable, staffing manager at BKPP/BKPSDM which does not fulfill the amount
and understanding, and the geographic location factor of the province of West