Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Efektivitas Work From Home Berdasarkan Pengukuran Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat Dan Persepsi Pegawai Di Kantor Regional II BKN Surabaya Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19.
Covid-19 that has spread in Indonesia has prompted the government to issue a
Work from Home (WFH) policy so that civil servants are safe from the infection of covid-
19. However, in the implementation of WFH there are many problems that affect the
effectiveness of WFH which is assessed through measuring the community satisfaction
index and employee perceptions.
The research design used is a descriptive approach with a qualitative approach.
The sampling technique used cluster sampling which resulted in a sample of 63 people
from a population of 141 people. The research instrument used a questionnaire form and
statistical tests using Biserial, KR-20, and Chi Square One Sample.
The results proved that 58.21% of respondents experienced problems during
WFH in the form of infrastructure constraints of 42.17%. The results of the Chi Square
One-Sample test are greater than the significance (α> 0.05), indicating that H 0 is accepted,
which means that employee perceptions have an effect on the effectiveness of WFH.
It is recommended that the Head of the aggency provide package data assistance
during the pandemic, group the appropriate employees to implement WFH, and establish
regulations to monitor performance during WFH.