Koleksi Perpustakaan
Generation Z (Gen Z) is the young generation born between the mid-1990s and 2010s. They are now entering the market and starting their first jobs. Therefore, managers must shape the company workplace environment to encourage young employees to work efficiently and connect their future with the company. Only then will both managers and employees share mutual satisfaction from collaboration and a…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Conflict over information has become a central part of modern politics and culture. The sites of struggle are numerous, the actors beyond count. Currents of liberation and exploitation course through the debates about Edward Snowden and surveillance, Anonymous, search engines and social media. In Information Politics, Tim Jordan identifies all these issues in relation to a general understanding…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This book examines the much-debated question of how to unleash the potential of young people with promising intellectual abilities and motivation. It looks at the increasingly important topic of excellence in education, and the shift in focus towards the provision of programs to support talented students in higher education. It provides a systematic overview of programs for talented students at…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
The focus of this book is original research regarding the implementation of problem-based learning and pedagogies of play as active approaches to foster self-directed learning. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in mind, educational institutions need to rethink teaching and learning for the future. As such, active engagement can be encouraged, as evident in this book, where problem-bas…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This open access book investigates the effects of changes in leadership and managerial structures of Nordic universities resulting from reforms in the last decade. It builds on a rich, comparative dataset across a multiplicity of system-wide (macro) and organisational (meso and micro) dimensions, namely: reform or policy initiatives; drivers, aims, instruments and actors; structural changes wit…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This book is the third production from the ESREA Gender network and, once more, an opportunity to let the readers discover, or to know more, for a better understanding of questions related to gender and adult learning. It shows how researchers can be deeply involved in this specific field of adult education. The notion of informal learning has already been treated as a chapter in the 2003s book…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Badan Kepegawaian Negara sebagai pembinaan penyelenggaraan manajemen Aparatur Sipil Negara memiliki fungsi untuk menyempurnakan, memelihara dan mengembangkan administrasi negara di bidang kepegawaian sehingga tercapai jalannya pemerintahan. Dalam rangka menginternalisasi target tata kelola pemerintahan yang bersih, efektif, transparan dan akuntabel melalui implementasi Sistem Pemerintahan …
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) adalah istilah yang populer terdengar di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk menjamin terpeliharanya tata tertib dalam pelaksanaan tugas PPPK, Pasal 51 dan Pasal 52 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 48 Tahun 2018 Tentang Manajemen PPPK mengamanatkan agar PPK pada setiap instansi menetapkan disiplin PPPK berdasarkan karakteristik pada setiap instan…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Pada tahun 2023 reformasi birokrasi telah berada pada periode ketiga dari Grand Design RB Nasional yaitu 2020-2024. Percepatan pencapaian reformasi birokrasi pada road map reformasi birokrasi 2020-2024 terutama terkait birokrasi bersih dan akuntabel, dan pelayanan publik yang prima, untuk itu strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh Intansi Pemerintah adalah dengan peningkatan kualitas pemba…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Penyelenggaraan Keprotokolan merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan guna mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penulis tertarik membahas sebarapa penting gaya kepemimpinan terhadap pelaksanaan tugas Keprotokolan pada Kantor Regional IV BKN Makassar. Model kepemimpinan situasional yang dikembangkan oleh Hersey dan Blanch…