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{{tmpObj[k].text}}Koleksi Perpustakaan
If one were to try and pin down origins of the field of people analytics, I would propose we start in the year 1911 when three events that represent the foundational ingredients to our emerging profession took place. In this year, Fredrick Taylor published his seminal Principles of Scientific Management, Charles Finley merged three firms into the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (later re…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Although workplace design and management are gaining more and more attention from modern organizations, workplace research is still very fragmented and spread across multiple disciplines in academia. There are several books on the market related to workplaces, facility management (FM), and corporate real estate management (CREM) disciplines, but few open up a theoretical and practical discussio…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
An interdisciplinary volume combining academic articles with thematic case studies and commentary by policy makers and practitioners, resulting in a combination of academic research and policy recommendations for timely societal impact. Medium-sized cities across Europe are increasingly and actively attracting skilled migrants. How can these cities best manage the challenges of internationalisa…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Investigating Human Interaction through Mathematical Analysis offers a new and unique approach to social intragroup interaction by using mathematics and psychophysics to create a mathematical model based on social psychological theories. It draws on the work of Dr. Stanley Milgram, Dr. Bibb Latane, and Dr. Bernd Schmitt to develop an algebraic expression and applies it to quantitatively model a…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
In these uncertain and challenging times, we need to help gifted students find their purpose and work toward finding a passion in their work and life. These new perspectives are both brilliant and practical and represent a synthesis of wisdom and experience. The new perspectives address the need to identify and nurture diverse students using scenarios and simulations and an active involvement i…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This open access book investigates the effects of changes in leadership and managerial structures of Nordic universities resulting from reforms in the last decade. It builds on a rich, comparative dataset across a multiplicity of system-wide (macro) and organisational (meso and micro) dimensions, namely: reform or policy initiatives; drivers, aims, instruments and actors; structural changes wit…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
A higher purpose is not simply about profit. Symbolising the motivations of our actions and efforts, it reflects something much more aspirational and contributes to our global society. This open access book offers novel solutions to ensure employees support a wider organizational meaning whilst guaranteeing that the company benefits from the employee?s individual sense of purpose. Advocating a …
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Conflict over information has become a central part of modern politics and culture. The sites of struggle are numerous, the actors beyond count. Currents of liberation and exploitation course through the debates about Edward Snowden and surveillance, Anonymous, search engines and social media. In Information Politics, Tim Jordan identifies all these issues in relation to a general understanding…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This book examines the much-debated question of how to unleash the potential of young people with promising intellectual abilities and motivation. It looks at the increasingly important topic of excellence in education, and the shift in focus towards the provision of programs to support talented students in higher education. It provides a systematic overview of programs for talented students at…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Instansi pemerintah mengelola arsip kepegawaian yang tercipta dengan jumlah yang banyak dan tempat yang luas serta dikelola oleh Arsiparis. Kondisi wilayah Indonesia sebagai daerah tropis dan rawan bencana alam serta era revolusi 4.0 berintikan Internet of Thing (IoT) sebagai implementasi Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) sehingga digitalisasi arsip menjadi suatu keniscay…