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4 Pilar Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik yang menjadi perhatian dari Kantor Regional IV BKN diantaranya, Peningkatan Kualitas SDM Aparatur, Terpenuhinya Sarpras Pelayanan Publik, Optimalisasi Sistem dan Metode Pelayanan, serta Optimalisasi Kinerja Pengawasan. 4 Pilar tersebut kemudian dimanifestasikan dalam 4 seruan yaitu Solutif, Adaptif, Informatif dan Responsif.
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Transformasi yang telah dilakukan oleh Kanreg IV BKN Makassar diantaranya dengan peluncuran aplikasi Sidaeng yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa fitur terkait permasalahan kepegawaian.
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Kami berkomitmen dalam meningkatkan pelayanan dengan berbenah diri diberbagai aspek organisasi. Dengan semangat ASIK (Akuntable, Sinergi, Inovatif, Komitmen) kami siap mewujudkan WBK.
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Through a series of studies, the overarching aim of this book is to investigate if and how the digitalization/digital transformation process causes (or may cause) the autonomy of various labor functions, and its impact in creating (or stymieing) various job opportunities on the labor market. This book also seeks to illuminate what actors/groups are mostly at risk by it. This book takes its poin…
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Tata cara penyusunan dan penilain kinerja melalui aplikasi E-Kinerja BKN
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This bookoffers a coherent theoretical and multimodal perspective on research, teaching and learning in different non-formal, semi-formal, and formal learning environments. Drawing on examples across a range of different settings, the book provides a conceptual framework for research on learning in different environments. It provides conceptual models around learning design which act as a frame…
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Sehubungan dengan peningkatan pelayanan kepegawaian di lingkungan Direktorat Status dan Kedudukan Kepegawaian, melaksanakan Kegiatan Sosialisasi Layanan SIASN - Cuti di Luar Tanggungan Negara (CLTN) pada hari Selasa, 7 Nopember 2023.
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Working life is in a major transition. Furthermore, environmental, societal, and economic problems challenge human activities. The need to develop reliance and sustainability also through higher education is evident. It has been anticipated that emphasis on entrepreneurship competencies will be even stronger in the future. In this book, Entrepreneurial Education Strengthening Resilience, Societ…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Three decades into the ‘digital age’, the promises of emancipation of the digital ‘revolution’ in education are still unfulfilled. Furthermore, digitalization seems to generate new and unexpected challenges – for example, the unwarranted influence of digital monopolies, the radicalization of political communication, and the facilitation of mass surveillance, to name a few. This volume…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
What is expertise? A modest answer implies good competence possessed by individuals with acknowledged skill. Although this interpretation implies adequate competence, a more precise definition signifies exclusive competence that experts are able to exhibit consistently. Such expertise falls within two categories: normatively exclusive expertise lies at the upper extreme of distributions for ski…