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{{tmpObj[k].text}}Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Tujuan dari setiap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh suatu instansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta, organisasi, atau perusahaan tentunya adalah untuk menawarkan pelayanan yang semaksimal mungkin kepada pelanggannya. Organisasi pemerintahan non kementerian seperti Direktorat Infrastruktur TI BKN harus memastikan bahwa mereka memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada seluruh unit kerja dan pegawai…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Ditjen Pajak telah menerapkan kewajiban pada setiap wajib pajak untuk membuat bukti potong PPh 23/26 secara elektronik. Bukan tanpa alasan, hal tersebut dilakukan guna memberikan fasilitas layanan yang nyaman, mudah dan praktis. Aplikasi bukti pemotongan digital e-Bupot, merupakan bentuk peningkatan layanan pajak yang diberikan kepada seluruh wajib pajak dengan memasuki era digital seper…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Despite technological advancements, the human operator is still the most important part of any production system. To increase productivity, quality, and effectiveness within production systems, ergonomics, the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment, is crucial. Ergonomics involves three pillars: physical, organizational, and cognitive. In today’s technologically competiti…
Video Kepegawaian
Pengembangan kompetensi ASN bertujuan memastikan pegawai memenuhi kualifikasi yang di butuhkan, kontribusi optimal bagi organisasi.
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This Open Access book presents the results of an interdisciplinary research program to utilize data from the multicohort German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), which included over 100.000 participants in six nationally representative panel studies. Renowned researchers from the fields of sociology, psychology, educational science, economics, and survey methodology have used the (longit…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This book will benefit specialists in the field of the education sciences. It represents significant progress in knowledge production. Self-directed learning has become increasingly important, not only for education in South Africa but also for education sciences in the international arena. This is a result of the changing education landscape, caused by the demands of the 21st century as well a…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
The high volatility in financial markets, together with the ultra-low interest rate environment and increased life expectancy, constitute serious threats for providers of long-term investment guarantees and lifelong benefits. Even if the COVID-19 pandemic is currently causing a mortality shock, its influence on future mortality is not clear and one possible scenario could be a further increase …
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Although many educational researchers were pioneers in the integration of technology into teaching and learning prior to 2000, institutions started extensively adopting technology in their courses around this period. However, the adoption process was slow and mainly followed the traditional mode of teaching in the formal university learning environment. The COVID-19 pandemic?s disruption ?force…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This open access book modifies and revitalizes the concept of the ?developmental state? to understand the politics of emerging economy through nuanced analysis on the roles of human agency in the context of structural transformation. In other words, there is a revived interest in the ?developmental state? concept. The nature of the ?emerging state? is characterized by its attitude toward econom…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Structures and processes occurring within and between states are no longer the only ? or even the most important - determinants of those political, economic and social developments and dynamics that shape the modern world. Many issues, including the environment, health, crime, drugs, migration and terrorism, can no longer be contained within national boundaries. As a result, it is not always po…