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{{tmpObj[k].text}}Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Kegiatan Pemutakhiran Data Mandiri ASN telah dilakukan oleh seluruh instansi pemerintah. SIASN diharapkan dapat menyajikan data ASN yang berkualitas dan akurat. Namun apakah kegiatan PDM tersebut dalam menghasilkan data ASN yang berkualitas. Dalam penelitian ini bagaimana cara mengukur data ASN Rutan Klas I Jakarta Pusat pada SIASN dan apakah data tersebut berkualitas. Penelitianini diharapkan …
Policy Brief
Ringkasan Eksekutif • Revolusi industri 4.0 didominasi mesin berteknologi canggih menyebabkan SDM harus meningkatkan kualitasnya agar tidak tersaingi dengan mesin • Society 5.0 atau super-smart society merupakan konsep tatanan masyarakat yang berpusat pada manusia (human-centered) dan berbasis teknologi (technology based) • Human Experience Management (HXM) adalah pengelolaan aspek man…
Policy Brief
Setiap PNS memiliki hak dan kesempatan yang sama untuk diikutsertakan dalam pengembangan kompetensi dengan memperhatikan hasil penilaian kinerja dan penilaian kompetensi PNS yang ber- sangkutan.. KMS MASN sebagai solusi praktis, gratis dan kolaboratif bagi pengembangan kompetensi teknis manajemen ASN secara mandiri dan dinamis karena dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja, serta memberikan da…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Complex coordination across time, space, and cultures involves a great deal of uncertainty. This uncertainty may be accepted and handled with judgment and pragmatism, but more often in contemporary modern society, it is treated as a technical problem to be ?solved?. This is a book about the paradoxical implicati…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This Open Access book, Responsible innovation provides benefits for society, for instance more sustainable products, more engagement with consumers and less anxiety about emerging technologies. As a governance tool it is mostly driven by research funders, including the European Commission, under the term ?responsible research and innovation? (RRI). To achieve uptake in private industry is a cha…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
If one were to try and pin down origins of the field of people analytics, I would propose we start in the year 1911 when three events that represent the foundational ingredients to our emerging profession took place. In this year, Fredrick Taylor published his seminal Principles of Scientific Management, Charles Finley merged three firms into the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (later re…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Although workplace design and management are gaining more and more attention from modern organizations, workplace research is still very fragmented and spread across multiple disciplines in academia. There are several books on the market related to workplaces, facility management (FM), and corporate real estate management (CREM) disciplines, but few open up a theoretical and practical discussio…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This open access book investigates the effects of changes in leadership and managerial structures of Nordic universities resulting from reforms in the last decade. It builds on a rich, comparative dataset across a multiplicity of system-wide (macro) and organisational (meso and micro) dimensions, namely: reform or policy initiatives; drivers, aims, instruments and actors; structural changes wit…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
A higher purpose is not simply about profit. Symbolising the motivations of our actions and efforts, it reflects something much more aspirational and contributes to our global society. This open access book offers novel solutions to ensure employees support a wider organizational meaning whilst guaranteeing that the company benefits from the employee?s individual sense of purpose. Advocating a …
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Working life is in a major transition. Furthermore, environmental, societal, and economic problems challenge human activities. The need to develop reliance and sustainability also through higher education is evident. It has been anticipated that emphasis on entrepreneurship competencies will be even stronger in the future. In this book, Entrepreneurial Education Strengthening Resilience, Societ…