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{{tmpObj[k].text}}Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel learning organization dan knowledge sharing behavior terhadap innovation capability di organisasi publik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan pengumpulan data primer terhadap 209 Aparatur Sipil Negara pada 7 organisasi riset dan sekretariat Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan IBM SPSS…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Skripsi ini membahas tentang perbandingan implementasi learning organization pada dua instansi pemerintah yaitu Kementerian Keuangan dan Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Dasar perbandingan ini berdasarkankomponen LO dari Peter Senge dan Cummmings &Worley yaitupersonal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, systems thinking, kepemimpinan, struktur organisasi, budaya organisasi, pengem…
Policy Brief
Salah satu aspek budaya organisasi dapat diamati dengan perilaku Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). Konsep OCB berfokus pada perilaku individu yang menguntungkan bagi organisasi untuk diidentifikasi lebih lanjut. Dalam organisasi pemerintah, identifikasi nilainilai yang mendasari perilaku OCB pada calon pegawai ASN dapat dilakukan dengan metode atau teknik diantaranya indirect …
Koleksi Perpustakaan
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Complex coordination across time, space, and cultures involves a great deal of uncertainty. This uncertainty may be accepted and handled with judgment and pragmatism, but more often in contemporary modern society, it is treated as a technical problem to be ?solved?. This is a book about the paradoxical implicati…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This open access book investigates the effects of changes in leadership and managerial structures of Nordic universities resulting from reforms in the last decade. It builds on a rich, comparative dataset across a multiplicity of system-wide (macro) and organisational (meso and micro) dimensions, namely: reform or policy initiatives; drivers, aims, instruments and actors; structural changes wit…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Knowledge Services converges information management, knowledge management (KM), and strategic learning into a single enterprise-wide discipline for the benefit of the business or organization in which it is practiced. With the success of knowledge services as a management methodology, the practice has become an acknowledged framework for strategic knowledge management applicable to all business…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This reprint focuses on research and practice concerning assessment and evaluation in higher education, crucial processes for the advancement of higher education. The different dimensions and forms of assessment within higher education, the impact of assessment methods on students? learning processes and approaches to learning are of particular interest. Special attention is given to assessment…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
The concept of sustainability is important for companies both in the case of SMEs and worldwide multinational companies. Some key factors to help a company achieve its sustainability objectives are based on human resource management. Sustainable human resource management is a typical cross-functional task that becomes increasingly important at the strategic level of a company. Industry 4.0 tech…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
People's competence has a strong influence on the strategy of human resource management, affecting daily aspects, thought patterns, and behavioral modes of executive management and employees. From a business perspective, there is a strong relationship between human capital and success and also an integral development of the human factor in all its dimensions, both personal and professional, and…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
Generation Z (Gen Z) is the young generation born between the mid-1990s and 2010s. They are now entering the market and starting their first jobs. Therefore, managers must shape the company workplace environment to encourage young employees to work efficiently and connect their future with the company. Only then will both managers and employees share mutual satisfaction from collaboration and a…