Koleksi Perpustakaan
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) Administrasi Pemerintahan adalah dokumen yang berisi panduan langkah demi langkah untuk melaksanakan tugas dan kegiatan administratif dalam suatu instansi pemerintahan. SOP ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa semua proses dilakukan dengan konsisten, efisien, dan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Makalah ini berangkat dari tidak adanya pembaharuan bahkan penambahan Standar Operasional Produk (SOP) sejak tahun 2022 di Biro Hubungan Masyarakat, Hukum, dan Kerja Sama (BHHK), dengan jumlah 53 SOP. Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, pertanyaan terkait bagaimana Pengaruh SOP terhadap Kinerja Pegawai BHHK menjadi penting untuk didiskusikan dikarenakan melalui beberapa jurnal yang penulis d…
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
This book provides a practical philosophy for promoting students' sophisticated thinking from Early Childhood to PhD in ways that explicitly interconnect across the years of education. It will help teachers, academics and the broader learning and teaching community to understand and implement these connections by introducing a conceptual framework, the Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching (M…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This Open Access book, Responsible innovation provides benefits for society, for instance more sustainable products, more engagement with consumers and less anxiety about emerging technologies. As a governance tool it is mostly driven by research funders, including the European Commission, under the term ?responsible research and innovation? (RRI). To achieve uptake in private industry is a cha…
Koleksi Perpustakaan
This is a philosophical work that develops a general theory of ontological objects and object-relations. It does this by examining concepts as acquired dispositions, and then focuses on perhaps the most important of these: the concept of learning. This concept is important because everything that we know and do in the world is predicated on a prior act of learning. A concept can have many meani…